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Library Hours and FAQ's

Library Hours 
 We are open to students before school (starting at 8am) after school (until 4:15pm daily) and between class periods. The library will be closed 12:45pm to 1:15pm.  What can students do in the library?

  • Browse for books and check out up to 3 books per person
  • Use our tables for a study space (one student per table)
  • Get help with databases or other digital resources
  • Get help with chromebook issues


 Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to check out a book?                                                           

Our ​students must have their student ID card or know their student ID number.


How many books can I check out?                                                               

 Students may have 3 books checked out at any one time.


Do you have ebooks?                                                                                   

Yes!  Your password is your student ID number. It's fast.  It's easy and it is convenient. Books automatically return after three weeks but can be checked out again if needed.


How long may I keep a book I have checked out?                                    

Books are due back three weeks after checkout.  We will stamp a reminder on the inside of the book.  Please note we do not send email reminders about library book due dates.


What if I haven't finished my book?                                                           

You can renew a book for an additional three weeks of reading time if there is no hold on the book.


What is a "hold"?                                                                                         

When a student wants a book that is already checked out, we place a "hold" on the book.  This means that when the book is returned we hold it for the student who requested it.  We will notify you when book you have placed on hold is ready for pick up.


What happens if I return my book late?                                                     

We do not charge late fees; however we ask you to be mindful that when you do not return your book, other students do not have access.  A book that is two months or more overdue will be marked as lost and a fine for the total cost of the book will be entered on the students Homelink account.  If the book is returned in good condition, the fine will be expunged.


Can I check out a book if I already have one that is overdue or lost?       

Sorry.  We cannot check out books to students who have overdue or lost books. Please come see us to see how the issue can be resolved.


Can I use the computers to check my email or surf the web?                   

Yes and No.  Before and after school, the computers can be used to check email and surf appropriate web sites. If a student needs a computer for school work and none are available, the librarian will ask someone who is "surfing" to give up the computer.


What does "appropriate web site" mean?                                                   

It means you need to keep in mind that you are in a public school setting using a school-owned computer.  If the library computers had a rating (like a movie), it would be PG. If you wouldn't be comfortable showing a web site to your 6 year old sister or your 80 year old grandma, don't look at it.


Can I print from the library computers?                                                      

You are welcome to use our black and white printer. Be sure to hit "Print Preview" before you print so that  you know how many pages your document is.


Will my Chromebook print to the library printer?                                        

Yes.  However, you must add the library printer to your available printers.  See the Librarian or Library Media Technician to learn how to do this.