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If your Chromebook needs repair...
1.  ​Be sure to fill out the repair form (below) Please keep your chromebook charger at home unless you think it is broken.

2.  Drop off times:  Before school starting at 7:45am--1st and 2nd Lunch--After school until 4:15pm.  If sent by your teacher, visit at the beginning of the class period.  Library is closed from 12:45-1:15 Monday-Friday. 

3.  Mrs. Hernandez or Mrs. Treto will check out a loaner and loaner charger for you to use until your chromebook is repaired.  Repair times vary, but please expect your chromebook to be out at least 2-3 weeks.

4. When your chromebook is ready for pick-up, you will be notified through your student gmail account.  Please regularly check your email for this notice.  You must turn in the loaner and loaner charger before picking up your repaired chromebook. Pick-up times for chromebooks are the same as drop offs. 


​Chromebook Protection Plan (Chromebook Insurance)
Chromebook insurance is NOT mandatory, but is available through RJUHSD. It currently costs $30. It must be purchased on a yearly basis at the beginning of the school year. For the 21-22 school year, insurance must be purchased by September 1, 2022. Chromebook Protection plan is only available for purchase beyond this date if the student is new to the district.  Upon enrolling, the new student has two weeks to purchase.
If you would like to purchase insurance, information about what is covered and the paperwork can be found here.

