College Athletics (NCAA)
Here are some recommendations from CollegeBoard for student-athletes who want to play college sports:
- Determine what level of athletic competition/play you hope to pursue (NCAA Division I, II, III or other levels).
- See about participating in summer sports camp at your college of interest
- Register with the NCAA Eligibility Center (see document below). Student athletes pursuing NCAA Division I, or II schools must register; others do not.
- Develop an athletic resume that includes your basic student demographic information, sports stats since 9th grade and academic record/standing.
- Send letters of interest during Sophomore and Junior years to colleges/universities.
- Send coaches your athletic resume, stats summary, and a video showcasing your skills in actual competition.
- Keep track of all contact you've had with college coaches in a written log
- If applicable, apply to college/university with special application coded by the college's athletic department to notify the admission office that their athletic department is interested in you.
- Remember that athletics are only part of the college choice - make sure you still find the college to be a good fit if something happens and you can't play or decide not to play.
- Also, remember that athletic eligibility does not guarantee you're going to be admitted.
Click here to read more advice about "Choosing a College" for student-athletes
Want to learn more about athletic scholarships and financial aid for student athletes? - click here!
Students who want to play sports in college must complete academic coursework requirements that exceed the A-G college admissions requirements, and they must register with the NCAA by the end of Junior year. The document below will help students and families with the NCAA registration process.
NCAA Roadmap
NCAA Guide