Athletic Eligibility
Athletic Eligibility
All athletes must meet the tewo crtiteria below to participate in athletic competition.
1. Athletes must have earned an overall minimum 2.0 grade point average on a 4.0 grading scale during the preceding grading period.
2. Athletes must have passed three out of four classes during the preceding grading period with a grade of "D" or better.
A student may be granted two periods of probation during his/her high school enrollment, beginning with the first school (9th grade) grading period. A probation may be granted only if the student has met one of the two academic eligibility requirements. If the athlete chooses to take their probation, they will be able to compete for that grading period only. Once they have used their two probations, they will not be eligible for probation again. NOTE: Probation may need prior approval by the head varsity coach for that season.