Introduction to Food and Beverage
• Students will learn food preparation skills through a hands-on kitchen lab.
• Students will research culinary career options and job skill requirements.
• Students will learn safety and sanitation procedures, and customer service skills
• Students will demonstrate minimum proficiency for the necessary skills required to enroll in Culinary Techniques I.
• Students will demonstrate Roseville High School’s Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLRS) including:
o Communicates effectively
o Thinks critically to solve problems
o Succeeds as a productive citizen
o Pursues appropriate education and career goals
o Utilizes core knowledge
• Measuring
• Utensils and equipment
• Standardized recipes
• Safety and sanitation
• Breakfast foods and sandwiches
• Baking skills
• Fruits and vegetables
• Salads and garnishes
• Basic nutrition
• Plating and presentation
• Food service employment
• Students are responsible for providing all writing paper, pen/pencils, hair ties/nets, closed toe shoes and a 3-ring binder, which need to be with them every day.
• Student Uniform: Chef coats will be checked out to students. Students are required to wear a chef coat, closed toe, non-slip shoes and a hair restraint at all times in the lab. Lockers will be checked out to students to keep their uniform in but students are responsible for laundering their uniform. Students must keep chef coat clean.
• Come to class prepared mentally and physically
• Show respect for yourself, classmates, and instructor(s), and school property
• Be on time! School tardy policy is strictly enforced
Positive Attitude
• No gossip or whining
• Be prepared to participate
Asking Questions
• Success happens when you actively participate
• All other school rules apply in our classroom described in planner
• Do not take anything without asking an instructor first
• Plagiarism will not be accepted
Participation/Attendance: 10%
Project/Lab Assignments: 30%
Homework/In-Class Assignments: 30%
Tests/Quizzes: 20%
Final/Midterm: 10%
* All assignments are graded on a standard grading scale with
A= 90-100%
B= 80-89%
C= 70-79%
D= 60-69%
F= 59% and Below
When a student earns a D or F grade it is usually due to one or more of the following:
Missed lab assignment and did not complete alternate assignment
Did not follow directions
Frequent tardies or absences
Uncooperative and/or disruptive to learning environment
All assigned work must be turned in at the beginning of class. All excused tardy/absence assignments must be made up no later than 3 days after you have returned to class. Make-up assignments will not be given to unexcused absences or tardies. It is your responsibility to get make-up assignments from your teacher.
No more than 3 make-up labs per quarter. Classroom attendance is important.
*Students who know they are going to be absent from class due to class trips, athletic/special events must prearrange to turn in assignments or your work will be counted as late. No exceptions!
The materials, textbooks and food and supplies in the class and lab are not yours. Theft is taking anything from the classroom beyond that which is intended for your assignment. Consequences for stealing or destruction may include one or more of the following: referral, call home, alternate assignment.
Ask questions, participate in class discussions, and follow directions.
Turn assignments in on time. Do not wait until night/morning before to finish an assignment.
Always have your planner with you! Use your planner to keep track of your assignment due dates.
Give every assignment all you’ve got and don’t let a mistake get you down.
*Academic honesty is critical to you, the student, in being successful and having a positive experience. If you choose to cheat by taking the work, idea, and/or efforts of another and present them as your own, both students will face the same consequence. All students involved will not receive a credit for the assignment and must redo the assignment to pass the course. This will also result in disciplinary action/referral. See your planner for details.