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Syllabus & Parent Letter


Dear Parent/Guardian:


I am so thankful your child has decided to be a Peer Helper. I am a credentialed Teacher and I love teaching Peer Helping.  Moreover, I love my students. I have done extensive study and training in the area of Peer Helping Leadership. Peer Helping is a leadership class wherein I teach students the process of leading others by peer assistance. Students will enter into one-to-one helping relationships through peer counseling, public speaking, leading conflict management, leading community building workshops, giving school wide character assemblies, advising, and participating in many other interpersonal helping roles. I have been a tenured teacher in 3 school districts. Besides teaching Peer Helpers, my former assignments have also included, English Teaching, Public Speaking Educator, At Risk Student Advising, Community Day School Counseling/Team Building & Peer Assistance Leadership Training. Peer Helping is the perfect elective for me. It blends all of my passions: teaching, advising, peer counseling, public speaking, team building, leadership and writing. I am ecstatic to have the opportunity to spread that passion on through your child. 

In this class your child will learn to use leadership skills and gifts to better our school. Our Peer Helping motto is “Each for the Other.” We will be speaking to our student population on topics that affect student attitudes, mental health and character development. We will help others through peer counseling and support students who come to us with emotional struggles. At times, students may be talking about sensitive topics that fall under reportable incidents. We cannot afford to shy away from experiences that may have deeply wounded some. It is our hope to support each other in class and the students we serve on campus.  We will help by mentoring anyone who comes to us in need of our support or counsel.  We will lead conflict management when necessary. We will serve Roseville High School to the best of our ability and make a difference. 


I believe you will be inspired as you see how your child will step out of their comfort zone when in this class. The students will give assemblies at Roseville High School and neighboring schools. Your child will be in a helping role with people they may have never thought of making a deep and lasting connection with. Your child will have more confidence when expressing their thoughts, ideas and/or concerns. They will lead by example and impact our school for years to come. I can think of no greater honor. They are my heroes.


We will be referencing material from the following books: The Peer Helpers Handbook which covers the process of counseling another student. It teaches us about the issues that young people face today. It trains us in the art of conflict management. It takes us through the grieving process, etc. The other two books that we will reference are:  Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens  and How Full Is Your Bucket?. These books will reinforce what effective leadership entails.


The grading policy is simple. Students are expected to have good attendance and participate in Peer Helping events and activities. Students will participate in public speaking, leadership, peer advising, conflict management, team building, etc. The first half of the term is like boot camp. Students will receive training in the above areas until mastery is achieved. Students will receive a Pass grade until they have completed the Peer Helping midterm final for a letter grade. I will cover the learning targets. Once they pass the final they will be commissioned as an official Peer Helper. The second term final grade will be based on their participation and performance as an official Peer Helper. They are required to present a final presentation which includes a “Pay It Forward Project”  indicating all they have completed and done as a Peer Helper. Our Peer Helping Website Link will allow you to access study guides and final exam/presentation information. I am confident that your child will be motivated and want to perform well in this class.


Here are the areas students will receive training in:  


The Peer Helping Course will teach the process of helping another though leading, teaching/speaking, tutoring, support/advising, peer counseling, conflict management, and team building. If students are going to enter into these roles the learning targets for Peer Helping must be completed by 2nd Quarter Finals as Peer Helpers will begin entering into their helping role in the following ways during the completion of the term: 


  1. Leadership Training- Curriculum from Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens 


Students will learn all “Seven Habits” & exercise them. 


  1. Be Proactive – Be the Change 
  2. Begin with the End in Mind – Mission & Work 
  3. Put First Things First – Big Rock Work-Goal Setting 
  4. Think Win-Win – Attitude Survey/Temperament Training 
  5. Seek First to Understand – Active Listening & Peer Counseling 
  6. Synergize – Working together projects-Collaborative Presentations 
  7. Sharpen the Saw – Collaboration/ Reflection/ Celebration 


  1. Speech Training -Public Speaking 


Students will learn speech techniques and employ them. 


  1. In Class Requirement to Practice & Rehearse 
  2. Warm-ups for speakers 
  3. Student will learn ways to open: 
  4. a) personal experience 
  5. b) bold & challenging statement 
  6. c) rhetorical question 
  7. d) startling fact or statistic 
  8. e) feelings on particular issue 
  9. Group planning & Participation in Motivational Talks 
  10. Out of Class Experience – Speaking to other Classes 
  11. Evaluation and Group Reflection of Speeches 


  1. Peer Counseling Training - Peer Helping Handbook and Butte County Office of Education Curriculum and Inside-Out Workshop Strategies. 


Students will be trained to advise/support students in need. 


  1. Three mandatory reportable incidents 
  2. Four Steps taken when you assume the Peer Helping role 
  3. Six characteristics of Active Listening 
  4. Effective use of “I” messages 
  5. Psychologist William Glasser’s 5 Basic Human Needs 
  6. The 5 Languages of Love 
  7. Enabling and Chemically Dependant Families 
  8. Students will learn the issues (p. 50-100 Peer Helper’s Book) 
  9. Steps to the Referral Process 


  1. Conflict Management Training - Peer Mediation Curriculum Packet from California Office of Education Trainings.and Peer Assistance Leadership Training Strategies. 


Students will be trained in conflict management and lead it. 


  1. They will know what a conflict manager is. 
  2. They will know what a conflict manager is not. 
  3. They will know what a conflict manager does. 
  4. They will know conflict styles: 
  5. a) Denial/Passive 
  6. b) Confrontation/Aggressive 
  7. c) Problem-Solving/Assertive 
  8. They will be able to teach rules of Active Listening 
  9. a) tone of voice 
  10. b) eye contact 
  11. c) facial expression 
  12. d) posture 
  13. e) gestures 
  14. f) attitude 
  15. They will understand the Peer Mediation Process Form: 
  16. a) Introduction with Ground Rules 
  17. b) Defining the Problem 
  18. c) Finding the Solution 
  19. They will have the opportunity to lead Conflict Management 


  1. Team Building Training – In Class Training and Inside-Out Workshop Methods 


Students will learn, participate and lead team building activities. 


  1. Team Building Participation and Training 
  2. Will facilitate Inside-Out Workshops and Challenge Day Activities 
  3. Will practice multiple team building strategies in and out of class. 
  4. Will lead team building in and out of class for other students on campus. 
  5. Will form a community with incoming students. 


                                      1st and 2nd Quarter = Training (Bootcamp) 

                                      3rd and 4th Quarter = Helping (Mission) 


1st and 2nd Quarter Final  Students will be tested over the above learning targets and expected to complete all of the training so that they can be utilized on campus in a helping role. When they pass the test they become official peer helpers and we hold a commissioning ceremony.

3rd and 4th Quarter Final Students will give a final presentation speech with powerpoint conveying all that they have done in the above areas as they assume various peer helping roles on campus. In this final speech and presentation to the class they will include a “Pay It Forward” project and a person that they personally reached out to.  Their grade will be based on self, peer and teacher evaluation and reflection.