Peer Helping Lesson Information
Roseville High School Peer Helping Lessons
Inside-Out Peer Helping is a class designed to teach peer assistance leadership in order to serve & help others on campus. Peer Helpers learn leadership through motivational speaking, peer advising, peer counseling, conflict management, peer mentoring, and team building. Peer Helpers have the goal of bettering the school by helping students connect, get support when needed and motivating students to be the best they can be. Peer Helpers will be honest and upfront. We talk about real issues that we have struggled with or know about. Our position is one of promoting character growth through teaching on respect, responsibility, work ethic, honesty, awareness and integrity.
The following is a list of 20 Peer Helping character education lessons and/or workshops that we provide for our school:
____ Respect Assembly (A lesson about seeing people from the inside out.)
Peer Helpers share their own life stories &struggles in order to validate others whom may be hurting on our campus.
This lesson will be very real, raw and relational. We will touch on depression, grief, loneliness, abuse, etc. We ask them to give Respect to everyone.
____ Hugs Not Drugs Assembly (We hold this message in the gym all day.)
We challenge students to commit to a drug free life. We challenge them to get help if they need it.
____ Respect Yourself Lesson (A lesson about treating yourself with respect and having dignity.
Peer Helpers will talk about things that we do that cheapen the quality of our life.
We teach them that the quality of the person they are is the quality of the people they attract.
____ Power Lesson (A lesson about the use of power for good or bad)
Students will learn concepts from the leadership book How Full is Your Bucket? They will be challenged to never allow bullying and to always invest in making people better. They will see that they have the power to stop a bully.
____ You are a Gift Lesson (This is an inspiring talk about being the best you can be.)
Students will be motivated to see the value of being all they were meant to be and being aware of valuing others.
The wll be encouraged to live each day as a gift.
Language of Love Assembly (This is a motivational talk about loving others.)
Students will reach out to their family, school and community through acting on the 5 languages of love.
Students will be made aware of the need of others.
____ Make a Difference Assembly (A motivational talk about making necessary changes in our lives)
This talk will relay different accounts of students overcoming eating disorders, depression, drug abuse, bad grades, etc.
We will attempt to convince them to change the area that is holding them back.
____ Inside-Out Challenge Day (This is an anti-bullying team building workshop).
We use our team building methods to bring the culture of our school together. We will break down walls and make connections with new people.
We will challenge them in the end to trust others and get more connected and involved on our campus.
All students will cross the line and share a part of their own lives with others.
____ Inside-Out Workshop (This is a very large team building and anti-bullying workshop)
In this workshop we will use team building methods and brief talks to remind students of essential concepts from lessons we have provided.
We will continue to bring the school culture together and challenge them to make a change. We will hold a big gym line crossing and trust carry.
____ Couch Talk (This is an intimate lesson).
We will connect on a personal level with students about sensitive issues such as self esteem, self harm, cyberbullying,
depression, sexuality, prejudice and racism, etc. We will inspire kids to grow positively. We will teach them to take responsibility for their actions.
____ Girls Day Out (This is a lesson for girls only).
We will inspire girls to see themselves as a treasure. We will ask them to aim for being a quality girl so that they attract quality people.
We will talk about purity and modesty. Students will learn to take responsibility for their lives.
____ Guys Day Out (This is a lesson for guys only).
We will motivate guys to respect others and respect themselves. We will talk on a real level about being a quality young man.
We will inspire them to be the best they can be. Guys will be responsible to step it up.
______ Graduated Peer Helper Workshop (This is a lesson to guide lower classmen)
Graduates return to discuss their experiences in college, military, career, etc.
They motivate students to take advantage of the time they have now in order to prepare for the future.
We bond and reminisce over Peer Helping memories.
____ Parent Day Workshop (This lesson provides a panel discussion & team building with parents and students.)
Parents sign in and spend a day with Peer Helpers hearing the Peer Helping message and building lasting bonds.
___ ROAR Lesson (Lesson to classes to reinforce ROAR)
Peer Helpers visit classes to teach Respect, On Task Behavior, Awareness and Responsibility.
We also give rewards and certificates to students who excel in these positive behaviors.
___ Senior Reflection Lesson (We honor our upcoming grads by giving them a voice)
Peer Helping Seniors reflect on the their 4 years of high school and share with younger classmen things they are happy they did and regrets that they have.
They encourage younger classmen to appreciate their days here and avoid some of their mistakes.
____ Senior Citizen’s Day Lesson (We lead a day to share our lives & bridge the generational gap.)
Students and Senior Citizens share their lives and build a connection to bridge the gap.
We help build a support base that goes beyond our generation.
____ Teacher Appreciation Lesson (We teach a lesson to honor teachers with their own students.)
In this lesson we go to each of the teacher’s classrooms and build up the community and the teacher.
____ Relationship Lesson (We share the does and don'ts of healthy relationships
(Healthy relationships happen when we are Respectful, On Task, Aware & Responsible.
We will remind students of all of the character education lessons and apply them.
____ Community Workshop (Peer Helpers help community members to consider the needs of the kids.)
We will lead Team Building Activities with the Staff, Parents, School Bus Drivers, etc. to facilitate a more powerful connection.
with students in the hope of inspiring them to continue to make a difference in the lives of others.
This will help with the climate on campus and in the community that surround and supports our campus.
Roseville High School Peer Helping Lessons
Inside-Out Peer Helping is a class designed to teach peer assistance leadership in order to serve & help others on campus. Peer Helpers learn leadership through motivational speaking, peer advising, peer counseling, conflict management, peer mentoring, and team building. Peer Helpers have the goal of bettering the school by helping students connect, get support when needed and motivating students to be the best they can be. Peer Helpers will be honest and upfront. We talk about real issues that we have struggled with or know about. Our position is one of promoting character growth through teaching on respect, responsibility, work ethic, honesty, awareness and integrity.
The following is a list of 20 Peer Helping character education lessons and/or workshops that we provide for our school:
____ Respect Assembly (A lesson about seeing people from the inside out.) Peer Helpers share their own life struggles in order to validate others whom may be hurting on our campus. This lesson will be very real, raw and relational. We will touch on depression, grief, loneliness, abuse, etc. We ask them to give Respect to everyone.
____ Hugs Not Drugs Assembly (We hold this message in the gym all day.) We challenge students to commit to a drug free life. We challenge them to get help if they need it.
____ Respect Yourself Lesson (A lesson about treating yourself with respect and having dignity.) Peer Helpers will talk about things that we do that demean and cheapen the quality of our life. We teach them that the quality of the person they are is the quality of the people they attract.
____ Power Lesson (A lesson about the use of power for good or bad) Students will learn concepts from the leadership book How Full is Your Bucket? They will be challenged to never allow bullying and to always invest in making people better. They will see that they have the power to stop a bully.
____ You are a Gift Lesson (This is an inspiring talk about being the best you can be.)
Students will be motivated to see the value of being all they were meant to be and being aware of valuing others. The wll be encouraged to live each day as a gift.
Language of Love Assembly (This is a motivational talk about loving others.) Students will reach out to their family, school and community through acting on the 5 languages of love. Students will be made aware of the need of others.
____ Make a Difference Assembly (A motivational talk about making necessary changes in our lives) This talk will relay different accounts of students overcoming eating disorders, depression, drug abuse, bad grades, etc. We will attempt to convince them to change the area that is holding them back.
____ Inside-Out Challenge Day (This is an anti-bullying team building workshop). We use our team building methods to bring the culture of our school together. We will break down walls and make connections with new people. We will challenge them in the end to trust others and get more connected and involved on our campus. All students will cross the line and share a part of their own lives with others.
____ Inside-Out Workshop (This is a very large team building and anti-bullying workshop) In this workshop we will use team building methods and brief talks to remind students of essential concepts from lessons we have provided. We will continue to bring the school culture together and challenge them to make a change. We will hold a big gym line crossing and trust carry.
____ Couch Talk (This is an intimate lesson). We will connect on a personal level with students about sensitive issues such as self esteem, self harm, cyberbullying, depression, sexuality, prejudice and racism, etc. We will inspire kids to grow positively. We will teach them to take responsibility for their actions.
____ Girls Day Out (This is a lesson for girls only). We will inspire girls to see themselves as a treasure. We will ask them to aim for being a quality girl so that they attract quality people. We will talk about purity and modesty. Students will learn to take responsibility for their lives.
____ Guys Day Out (This is a lesson for guys only). We will motivate guys to respect others and respect themselves. We will talk on a real level about being a quality young man. We will inspire them to be the best they can be. Guys will be responsible to step it up.
______ Graduated Peer Helper Workshop Graduates return to discuss their experiences in college, military, career, etc. They motivate students to take advantage of the time they have now in order to prepare for the future. We bond and reminisce over Peer Helping memories.
____ Parent Day Workshop (This lesson provides a panel discussion with parents and students.) Parents sign in and spend a day with Peer Helpers hearing the Peer Helping message and building lasting connections.
___ ROAR Lesson Peer Helpers visit classes to teach Respect, On Task Behavior, Awareness and Responsibility. We also give rewards and certificates to students who excel in these positive behaviors.
___ Senior Reflection Lesson Peer Helping Seniors reflect on the their 4 years of high school and share with younger classmen things they are happy they did and regrets that they have. They encourage younger classmen to appreciate their days here and avoid some of their mistakes.
____ Senior Citizen’s Day Lesson (We lead a day to share our lives & bridge the generational gap.) Students and Senior Citizens share their lives and build a connection to bridge the gap. We help build a support base that goes beyond our generation.
____ Teacher Appreciation Lesson (We teach a lesson to honor teachers with their own students.) In this lesson we go to each of the teacher’s classrooms and build up the community and the teacher.
____ Relationship Lesson = ROAR (Healthy relationships happen when we are Respectful, On Task, Aware & Responsible. We will remind students of all of the character education lessons and apply them.
____ Community Workshop (Peer Helpers help community members to consider the needs of the kids.) We will share and participate in Team Building Activities with the Staff, Parents, School Bus Drivers, etc. to facilitate a more powerful connection with students in the hope of inspiring them to continue to make a difference in the lives of others. This will help with the climate on campus and in the community that surround and supports our campus.
© Valerie Erb. No portion of this document may be reproduced or distributed without express permission from the author.