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Ignite Christian Club is a non-denominational gathering of believers in Jesus Christ.  We are a Bible based club with a commitment to help individuals grow and mature in Christ.  We understand that there are some doctrines on which Christians may agree and disagree, even though they are in the same local church.  We will not allow this to divide us.  We are here to have a positive impact on the Roseville High School campus.  We are dedicated to serving Christ and by doing so we will serve each other.  
Ignite Christian Club meets every Monday during single lunch in the 500 quad.  Mrs. Erb is the club advisor, however, Ignite Christian Club is governed by student leaders.  We welcome everyone to the club.  We are an open club that you may join or visit at any time.   Ignite Club also hosts a High School Youth Group Meeting called "Conversate".  This is a place for teens to come together.   To ASK, SEEK & FIND PURPOSE.  Check out our CONVERSATE link to find out more.
"Tigers who pray together...stay together"