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Peer Helping

Trust Carry


Please take time to get to know us. The Inside-Out Peer Helping Website will help you understand our program.  We also have many news articles and links that cover man aspects of the Inside-Out Peer Helping Curriculum. Our YouTube Channel at Inside-Out Peer Helping has many videos that will connect you to us. We also have our Inside-Out Peer Helping Instagram and our Peer Helping Facebook site that will keep you updated on our activities.  Below is our Course Description, List of What Peer Helpers Do and Learning Targets for this class.  We welcome all students to register for this course.  It will change you from the inside-out.   That is why we say, "Once a Peer Helper- Always a Peer Helper."  Our Peer Helping motto is "Each for the Other."  We would love to have you join our family.  You will not regret it. 

PEER HELPING Course ID# 852453


The Peer Helping Course is open to grades 9 through 12.  Peer Helping is designed to teach the process of helping another person through peer assistance leadership. Students will enter into one-to-one helping relationships; assume leadership roles, discuss leadership roles, advise, tutor, participate in public speaking, peer counseling, conflict management, peer mediation, team building and in other interpersonal helping roles. This course may be repeated for credit.

Peer Helping


PEER ASSISTANCE LEADERSHIP:  Peer Helpers support other students such as  freshmen students, transfer students, feeder school students, special education students, “at risk” students, EL students, etc.,  for formal or informal meetings.   We create meaningful ways to assist others.
PEER CONNECTION: Outreach to all Roseville High students and especially freshman health students, sophomore P.E. students and all other students on the Roseville High School and nearby middle, elementary and continuation schools for one-to-one or small group activities, lessons, assemblies, and Inside Out Team Building Days.  We even host movies and lunch groups in our class.  We have an outreach group that meets weekly.  We have numerous Girls Groups, etc.
PEER COUNSELING: Students help others through one-on-one contacts.  Student request our assistance and teachers/counselors/administrators refer students to us. Peer counseling can be informal with students using skills with friends or formal with specific drop-in hours or through referrals by staff. Students will keep records on peer counseling contacts. (See Peer Helper Request Form.)
PEER EDUCATION: Students develop and lead class presentations or school activities on subjects such as school bullying, character development, goal setting, pursuit of academic excellence, team building, racism, AIDS/HIV, substance abuse, smoking, child abuse, violence prevention, mediation skills, decision making, peer pressure, refusal skills, depression and suicide, etc. (See list of lessons provided.)
PEER MEDIATION: Students are trained in the conflict resolution/peer mediation  process and mediate disputes involving other students or between students and staff. We receive referrals from counselors, teachers and students request our help. (See Conflict Management/Peer Mediation Process Form.)
PEER SMALL GROUPS: Students lead or co-lead support groups on special or general topics, as drop-in or informal groups, in class, at lunch or after school. Possible targeted student populations: children of alcoholics, at-risk students, 9th graders, smokers,  substance abusers, girl's groups, weekly outreach, eating disorder, weight management, etc.
PEER SUPPORT:  Peer Helpers support students, staff, events and activities at Roseville High School.  We give help and assistance to student government with events and commitments.  We do not duplicate, but contribute to their efforts.  We provide random acts of kindness to groups, individuals, clubs, classes, etc., on our campus to instill in every tiger the bigger picture of community and love.  We give a hand when needed.
PEER TRANSITION ASSISTANCE:  Peer Helpers help transfer students or new students adjust to school through school tours, special friend assignment and class presentation.  This could be one time event or a continuing relationship for a few weeks or throughout the school year. Counselors and Teachers refer students to us that need assistance. 
PEER VIOLENCE PREVENTION- Students make classroom presentations and lead group discussion about why violence occurs and how it can be prevented.  We visit feeder schools such as Cooley, Buljan, Spanger, etc., to help remedy the problem before it gets to us.

© Valerie Erb. No portion of this document may be reproduced or distributed without express permission from the author.

The Peer Helping Course will teach the process of helping another though leading, teaching/speaking, tutoring, support/advising, peer counseling, conflict management, and team building. If students are going to enter into these roles the learning targets for Peer Helping must be completed by 2nd Quarter Finals as Peer Helpers will begin entering into their helping role in the following ways during the completion of the term:
A. Leadership Training- Curriculum from Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens
Students will learn all “Seven Habits” & exercise them.
1. Be Proactive – Be the Change  
2. Begin with the End in Mind – Mission & Work
3. Put First Things First – Big Rock Work-Goal Setting
4. Think Win-Win – Attitude Survey/Temperament Training
5. Seek First to Understand – Active Listening & Peer Counseling
6. Synergize – Working together projects-Collaborative Presentations
7. Sharpen the Saw – Collaboration/ Reflection/ Celebration
B. Speech Training -Public Speaking
Students will learn speech techniques and employ them.
1. In Class Requirement to Practice & Rehearse
2. Warm-ups for speakers
3. Student will learn ways to open:
    a) personal experience
    b) bold & challenging statement
    c) rhetorical question
    d) startling fact or statistic
    e) feelings on particular issue
4. Group planning & Participation in Motivational Talks
5. Out of Class Experience – Speaking to other Classes
6. Evaluation and Group Reflection of Speeches
C. Support/Advisor Training -  Peer Helping Handbook and Butte County Office of Education Curriculum and Inside-Out Workshop Strategies.
Students will be trained to advise/support students in need.
1. Three mandatory reportable incidents
2. Four Steps taken when you assume the Peer Helping role
3. Six characteristics of Active Listening
4. Effective use of “I” messages
5. Psychologist William Glasser’s 5 Basic  Human Needs
6. The 5 Languages of Love
7. Enabling and Chemically Dependant Families
8. Students will learn the issues (p. 50-100  Peer Helper’s Book)
9. Steps to the Referral Process
D. Conflict Management Training -  Peer Mediation Curriculum Packet from California Office of Education Trainings.and Peer Assistance Leadership Training Strategies.
Students will be trained in conflict management and lead it.
1. They will know what a conflict manager is.
2. They will know what a conflict manager is not.
3. They will know what a conflict manager does.
4. They will know conflict styles:
    a) Denial/Passive
    b) Confrontation/Aggressive
    c) Problem-Solving/Assertive
5. They will be able to teach rules of Active Listening
    a) tone of voice
    b) eye contact
    c) facial expression
    d) posture
    e) gestures
    f) attitude
6. They will understand the Peer Mediation Process Form:
    a) Introduction with Ground Rules
    b) Defining the Problem
    c) Finding the Solution
7. They will have the opportunity to lead Conflict Management
E. Team Building Training – In Class Training and Inside-Out Workshop Methods 
Students will learn, participate and lead team building activities.
1. Team Building Participation and Training
2. Will facilitate Inside-Out Workshops and Challenge Day Activities
3. Will practice multiple team building strategies in and out of class.
4. Will lead team building in and out of class for other students on campus.
5. Will visit feeder schools in the District and form community with incoming students.
1st and 2nd Quarter = Training (Bootcamp)
3rd and 4th Quarter = Helping (Mission)
1st and 2nd Quarter Final will be a test over the above concepts and completion of training so that they can be utilized on campus in a helping role.
3rd and 4th Quarter Final will be a final presentation showing all that they have done in the above areas as they assume various helping roles on campus.   Students may rely on portfolios, power point, video, speeches, etc., to relay their mission.

"There is no better exercise for the heart than reaching down
and lifting people up" John Andrew Holmer
"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment
before starting to improve the world."   Anne Frank 
© Valerie Erb. No portion of this document may be reproduced or distributed without express permission from the author.