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PLTW Engineering

RHS Engineering


 About Our Program



Name: John Fuller

Phone: (916) 782-3753 ext: 3804
Room: 804

Industry Sector: Manufacturing and Product Development
Pathway: Product Innovation and Design

Program Description

Employers need an available pool of skilled workers—from entry-level through engineers—The RHS engineering program follows a proven hands-on, real-world, cutting-edge problem-solving approach to engineering and manufacturing.  The RHS engineering program is committed to developing innovators who lead the design and implementation of practical solutions to meet the ever-changing societal and workforce challenges of today and beyond.  Each elective CTE course is a certified college approved elective. Our program currently consists of a single teacher who offers six course sections throughout the year. In any given year, roughly 170-190 students are enrolled in our engineering/manufacturing CTE program.   In this project based program, students will learn and apply the design process through hands-on coursework while developing strong proficiency in technology, teamwork, and communication skills.  Our program, though only a couple years old, is constantly improving.  In partnership with Sierra College, this year we are approved to offer three dual enrollment classes; two in advanced manufacturing and one in mechatronics.  We are also planning on offering students industry level certified exams in computer aided design as well as computer aided manufacturing.  A satisfactory score on these exams allows the student to furnish his or her resume.  Whether it be a skilled manufacturing job right out of high school, or the pursuit of advanced degrees; students who come out of this program will be equipped with skills that will help with any post-secondary goals. 

Sequence of Classes



course sequence

Program Outcomes

  • College Approved Elective Courses
  • Dual Enrollment College Credit
  • Industry Certified CAD Exam
  • Post-Secondary Job Skills


Program Accomplishments

  • Students Finished First and Second Place it the 2018 CAD Chevron Design Challenge
  • Students Finished Third Place it the 2017 CAD Chevron Design Challenge
  • The Robotics Club advanced to the Norcal Regional FTC (First Tech Cahllenge) Robotics Tournament 4 times,  2015, 2016, 2016, 2020
  • The Robotics Club advanced to the Western Super Regional FTC (First Tech Cahllenge) Robotics Tournament in 2016 


Name: John Fuller

Phone: (916) 782-3753 ext: 3804
Room: 804

Industry Sector: Manufacturing and Product Development
Pathway: Product Innovation and Design

Program Description

Employers need an available pool of skilled workers—from entry-level through engineers—The RHS engineering program follows a proven hands-on, real-world, cutting-edge problem-solving approach to engineering and manufacturing.  The RHS engineering program is committed to developing innovators who lead the design and implementation of practical solutions to meet the ever-changing societal and workforce challenges of today and beyond.  Each elective CTE course is a certified college approved elective. Our program currently consists of a single teacher who offers six course sections throughout the year. In any given year, roughly 170-190 students are enrolled in our engineering/manufacturing CTE program.   In this project based program, students will learn and apply the design process through hands-on coursework while developing strong proficiency in technology, teamwork, and communication skills.  Our program, though only a couple years old, is constantly improving.  In partnership with Sierra College, this year we are approved to offer three dual enrollment classes; two in advanced manufacturing and one in mechatronics.  We are also planning on offering students industry level certified exams in computer aided design as well as computer aided manufacturing.  A satisfactory score on these exams allows the student to furnish his or her resume.  Whether it be a skilled manufacturing job right out of high school, or the pursuit of advanced degrees; students who come out of this program will be equipped with skills that will help with any post-secondary goals. 

Sequence of Classes



course sequence

Program Outcomes

  • College Approved Elective Courses
  • Dual Enrollment College Credit
  • Industry Certified CAD Exam
  • Post-Secondary Job Skills


Program Accomplishments

  • Students Finished First and Second Place it the 2018 CAD Chevron Design Challenge
  • Students Finished Third Place it the 2017 CAD Chevron Design Challenge
  • The Robotics Club advanced to the Norcal Regional FTC (First Tech Cahllenge) Robotics Tournament 4 times,  2015, 2016, 2016, 2020
  • The Robotics Club advanced to the Western Super Regional FTC (First Tech Cahllenge) Robotics Tournament in 2016