Thoughtful and Effective Communicators
- Who clearly and effectively communicate in written, verbal, and artistic formats.
- Who consider their intended audience and understand the impact of tone.
- Who are active listeners and self-advocates.
Independent & Collaborative Learners
- Who take initiative and demonstrate resilience.
- Who engage and participate while working collaboratively.
- Who strive independently and collaboratively to achieve personal learning goals.
Globally aware community contributors
- Who learn about diverse cultures and identities, interacting respectfully and appropriately in a variety of cultural contexts.
- Who can articulate how global issues impact their communities and the world.
- Who actively participate in improving their community.
Engaged Critical Thinkers and Problem Solvers
- Who can identify problems and apply strategies to find solutions.
- Who can analyze information, draw conclusions, and verify results with data.
- Who keep an open mind, troubleshoot challenges, and reflect on outcomes.
Resourceful and Persistent
- Who persevere through obstacles & complete tasks.
- Who can effectively employ digital and traditional resources.
- Who can access emotional and/or academic support if necessary.